
Hey guys!

Lauren Penman

I guess it’s about time I introduced myself. I’m Lauren – social media guru for a hospitality group by day, and lifestyle blogger by night. I live in Northern Ireland and tend to blog all things fashion and lifestyle.

What can you expect from me? Just about anything that a female twenty-something wants to hear. I’ve got fashion posts, beauty buys, event reviews and witty lists on tap to lighten the mood. There’s something for everyone – even a spot of photography.

Want to become my bestie in 10 steps? Here’s a few facts to get you started. 

  1. I moonlight as a Zumba Instructor on Thursday evenings. By day I’m a fast-typing wordsmith, but once my Zumba gear goes on, I shake my hips and whoop with the best of them.
  2. I love cocktails and my favourite has to be a Cosmopolitan. Though, having said that, I never turn down a glass of Prosecco!
  3. I was a lifeguard for five years at my local leisure centre. Cue the Baywatch theme tune!!
  4. I binge watch A LOT of TV shows. At the moment, it alternates between Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal (I’m Team Fitz, for the record) and repeats of Sex and The City.
  5. I take salsa dancing lessons. Believe it or not, that came after the Zumba instructor’s course. Go figure.
  6. My favourite book is The Great Gatsby. I studied it for English Lit and the Roaring Twenties just came to life from the pages. I could read it 100 times and never get bored.
  7. I love London and have an undying love for the West End. My favourite show is The Jersey Boys, and I’m not ashamed to say that I’ve seen it five times.
  8. I studied Journalism and Photography at the University of Ulster and graduated with a first. Yes, I did just show off a little bit, apologies!
  9. I adore country music, and the TV show, Nashville.
  10. I’m exceptionally claustrophobic. My best friend finds this hilarious and exploits it to the best of her ability. With friends like those…

Why Girl About Town? 

So, you’re probably wondering where the name came from. No? I’ll tell you anyway. It all dates back to when I was a young, innocent little 15 year old, dying to get into the world of journalism. Where all good stories begin, obviously.

My local newspaper gave me a column which they named Girl About Town, and I kept it up for a good 6 months. Fast-forward 4 years, and I’m working at ANOTHER local paper (this time as a paid fashion and beauty reporter, yay me) and they let me use my Girl About Town alias to fill out the lifestyle pages. I commandeered GirlAboutTownLP (Girl About Town was taken, sneaky sods) on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and just about anywhere else, and when I left the paper, it seemed like the perfect name for a blog.

My Girl About Town hoodie
I committed to my Girl About Town namesake so much, my housemates at uni even got me a hoodie to match! The flowers and sambucca were a nice touch, don’t you think?


That is, of course, until I say it out loud and cringe, but I’m working on it…

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