Ghoulishly Good Food at Souls Restaurant

What do you do at Halloween if you’re too grown up for trick-or-treat, too old (or old at heart) to brave the nightclub scene and are too much of a scaredy cat for ‘Fright Nights’ or scary movies? Souls Restaurant, an Indian fusion restaurant on the Dublin Road has the answer, with their Halloween menu…

Fashion and all things Fabulous

They say that you should never underestimate the power of a good outfit. And whether it’s the perfect wedding guest outfit, a dress to wow your colleagues at the Christmas party, or simply a bit of retail therapy, you are sure to find the perfect fashion solution at Fabulous Boutique. Based in Antrim, Fabulous Boutique…

Monet Magic: QOD 16 Week Smoothing Treatment

Imagine the sassy feeling of a good hair day of Jennifer Anniston proportions. Now imagine feeling like that for almost FOUR months. Sound like something you could get on board with? Looks like you need Monet Hair in your life, and their exclusive QOD 16 Week Smoothing Treatment. What is this sorcery, I hear you…

Forward Fashion: Local Designers of Tomorrow

There is always a certain excitement and buzz around a catwalk show, from the moment the spotlight dips onto the catwalk and the beat of the music kicks in. However, when the future faces of fashion are waiting in the wings, ready to launch their fashion careers before your eyes, it is nothing short of…

What’s in store for me in 2017?

As I write this, I hate myself a little bit for being the biggest blogging cliché around, and also because we spent part of the day in work discussing how our lives revolve around social media and the approval of others. That may seem pretty contradictory when I go ahead and blog about my goals…

Dance… it’s cheaper than therapy!

This time last year, I had written what I thought was a really cringey blog post on my first year of salsa dancing (for my sins, you can read it here). I published it, didn’t broadcast it too much and thought I’d got away scot-free without any of my dance friends seeing it. Except I…

A One-Stop Guide To Belfast’s Pure Gyms

Allow me to set the scene. I’ve been up at the crack of dawn to go to circuits, I’m taking my last few sips of water at the end of a tough, sweaty class, and somewhere from the other side of the room, I hear the instructor mutter something about “changing your membership for the…

I Changed Career Paths… And It’s OK.

Last week, after a really good day at the office – or out of the office on work duties as it happens – I received a message on social media that rattled me a bit, and got me thinking about my career and what I’ve achieved since graduating. So this blog post is part therapy, and…

Guinness Open House Brewery Comes To Belfast

If you know me at all, this might seem like a bit of an unusual post, considering I am 100% not a beer drinker. So why, you may ask, was I frequenting a pop-up Guinness Open House Brewery event on a Wednesday evening? Part of it was all about the curiosity about an exciting new…

What I thought of the Mi Pac Rucksack*

Between being out and about trying to get my Fitbit steps up to scratch, and getting up at the crack of dawn to go the gym, there’s one thing that really comes in handy, and that’s a backpack. Since leaving school (which seems like a lifetime ago), a backpack hasn’t been something that I have…

Streamvale Open Farm is for big kids too!

Allow me to set the scene. It’s the weekend, you’ve got a day off work, or perhaps if you’re still a student, you have the whole summer to fill with activity. You don’t feel like going shopping, the changeable Northern Ireland weather is just about nice enough to warrant doing something outdoors, but not quite…

Nashville In Concert: When The Bluebird Cafe Came To Dublin

Three days after an incredible concert and I’m sitting in front of my laptop, still buzzing a little and trying to figure out how best to put into words just what an amazing night I had at Nashville In Concert in Dublin’s 3Arena. After religiously watching four seasons of the country music drama that had brought the…

Four Weeks With My Fitbit

Three months after joining the gym and my health and fitness kick is still going strong. So far, I’m pleased to say that I’ve stayed pretty well on track, aside from the odd sneaky treat or take-away, but more recently, I decided to up the ante by investing in a fab piece of kit – my…

Review: Fusion Afternoon Tea at Solo Kitchen and Bar*

When you work in Belfast’s top luxury hotel, you see a LOT of afternoon tea, and sometimes even get to eat it if you play your cards right. However, one thing I hadn’t ticked off my list until this weekend was the ‘Asian Fusion’ Afternoon Tea. I love Asian food, I love cake – sounds like a…

Review: Everybody Cut Footloose!

Some of my favourite Christmas presents are things that happen in the future, like holidays, shows and concert tickets, because you get a little unexpected treat later in the year. This was kinda the case with Footloose, except it wasn’t my Christmas present, it was my gift to mum – and a sneaky one to…

5 Things I Realised When I Started Early Morning Gymming

When you lead a busy life, finding time to go to the gym is seriously tough. Now that I work in Belfast from 9-5 and have a 30-45 minute commute (traffic depending) each direction, my old routine of early morning swimming and tea-time gym sessions are a thing of the past. And my night time…

Salsa Dancing: Why 2015’s Resolution Was My Best Yet 

If you’ve followed my admittedly scattered blog posts over 2015, you will undoubtedly have noticed that salsa dancing has taken over my life, and I’m not even a little bit ashamed. All of a sudden, 25% of my Facebook friends are salsa friends, I find myself turning down nights out on the tiles so that I…

Theatre Review: The Merchant Of Venice @ Baby Grand

Have you ever seen Shakespeare’s lyrical prose transported to the 1920s? How about a production of Shakespeare where all of the scene changes are conducted to the theme tune of The Sting? I have. You might think that it wouldn’t work, but surprisingly, it was this unlikely combination that made the show such fun. The…

I’m BACK! 10 Things I’ve Been Doing This Summer

This blog post is part apology, part catch-up and part a kick up the backside to begin blogging again. Since returning from my holiday to Greece – you know, that one that I couldn’t stop blogging about – things have been a little crazy. Not only did I start a new job, I also made…

6 Monday Moments: 1st June 2015

It’s June! How on earth did that happen? I don’t know if the year is just flying in or if the miserable weather outside is just making me feel like it should still be winter, but anyways. It’s June, and I’m going on holiday in less than two weeks, so this is a good day….

6 Monday Moments: Monday 18th May

This is my second blog post of the day, which is most unlike me, but I have totally neglected my Monday Moments feature since the my first couple of posts, and I feel like it’s time I got them started again. This list is pretty much a holiday-orientated one, because I’m finally starting to feel the holiday…